
Hawaii Here We Come - SanSei Sushi夏威夷我們來囉- SanSei日式料理晚上我們回到日本料理店 沒想到還要等一個半小時 我們只好在附近在照照相At night time we went back to the Sansei sushi, but it was so crowded that we have an hour and half wait. So we took some more pictures outside這張是在比健美小姐嗎Am I trying to be the fitness person? And xiao-pang is trying to cheer me up?來張正常的This is a normal picture of us. 這個是在學鐵達尼號? 我們真是很愛搞笑And this is us trying to be like Titanic...we really love to make dumb faces總算到我們了 裡面很暗又很吵 氣氛不是很好They finally called us. But it is really dark and noisy. The atomesphere is not so good而且很擠 我的椅子是靠著另一個人的椅子 如果我靠著椅背 我跟鄰居都要背對背了 冏The tables are so close together. My chair is leaning against another person's chair. I lean back, my back would be touching hers. 實在很暗所以也不好意思開閃光It is really dark, so it is too weird to turn on the flash light很難看到在吃什麼 整體來說食物好吃 但是環境不優 我不推薦 或是你要很早來 早來有半價優惠It is hard to see what we are eating. Overall, the food is good, but because of the atomesphere, I don't recommend it. Or you have to come early to beat the rush and the price is half off吃飽去逛商店 猜猜這是什麼 好可愛 夾子After eating, we walked around the stores. Guess what this is? It is a twiser晚上到百年容樹下照一張 整棵樹都用燈泡點綴了We took a picture under the Banyan tree. It is decorated with X'mas lights. .

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